Short Stories for Children
Please enjoy these great stories, fairy-tales, fables, and nursery rhymes for children. They help kids learn to read and make excellent bedtime stories! We have hundreds of great children's stories for you to share.
You may also enjoy Favorite Fairy Tales, Books for Young Readers, Children's Poems, Lullabies and Short Stories for Students
5. The Elves and the Shoemaker
8. Father Frost
10. Snow White
11. Cinderella
12. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
15. The Little Thief in the Pantry
17. Thumbelina
19. Alice in Wonderland abridged
21. Aesop's Fables
22. The Ant and the Grasshopper
29. Rapunzel
30. The Little Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
31. Five Little Pigs
32. Old Mother Goose & Her Son Jack
37. How the Moon Became Beautiful
42. Huckleberry
44. The Celebrated Jumping Frog
46. Just So Stories
48. The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse
49. Goldilocks and the Three Bears
50. Little-Girl-Afraid-of-a-Dog
52. Little Bo-Peep
53. The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids
54. The Three Billy-Goats Gruff
55. This Old Man
56. The Two Sisters
61. The Night Moth With a Crooked Feeler
62. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
63. East of the Sun and West of the Moon
65. How Jack Went Out to Seek His Fortune
68. The Fisherman and his Wife
69. Sleeping Beauty (Briar-Rose)
71. The Forest Bride: Mouse Who Was a Princess
73. The Happy Prince
74. The Blind Men and the Elephant
75. The Sagacious Monkey & the Boar
82. Fun on the Ice
84. The Golden Touch
86. How Theseus Slays the Minotaur
91. The Great Feast
94. The Story of Little Boy Blue
96. Little Benjamin
97. Puss in Boots
98. Goody Two Shoes
99. Paul Bunyan and Babe the Big Blue Ox
101. The Pumpkin Glory
102. Thankful
103. Christmas Stories
104. Twas The Night Before Christmas
Favorite Fairy Tales